Tales from the Porch IV: Art is a Language

July 26-September 7, 2024

Documentary Screening to Premiere at Buffalo AKG Art Museum on September 6, 2024 at 6:30PM

In 2019, Aitina Fareed-Cooke launched the Tales from the Porch initiative to amplify community voices through the creative arts. Over the years, this community-based initiative has garnered substantial funding from Buffalo State University’s Anne Frank Project, the New York State Council on the Arts, the Buffalo AKG Art Museum, and Creatives Rebuild New York, among others.

Tales from the Porch is now in its fourth iteration and has successfully engaged diverse audiences across generations, providing platforms for both emerging and professional artists to collaborate, enrich their portfolios, and discover lucrative growth opportunities.

Curated by Aitina Fareed-Cooke and presented at Buffalo Arts Studio, Tales from the Porch IV: Art is a Language is an exploration of visual, performing and literary arts through a documentary film, and multimedia arts exhibition. It showcases a blend of Fareed-Cooke's photography and poetry, complemented by artwork from Julia Bottoms, Bob Fleming, George Afedzi Hughes, Dr. Phyllis Thompson, and Muhammad Zaman. These artists all share strong ties to Buffalo Arts Studio, contributing to a diverse and engaging exhibition.

Behind-the-scenes images of the creative process were captured by Kaitlyn Lowe, Kalvin Booker, and Tallulah Gordon and will be exhibited as part of the exhibition as well. These paintings, prints, poems, and photographs engage with each other, creating a dialogue between the artists and their diverse art forms.

The Tales from the Porch IV: Art is a Language documentary was executively directed by Aitina Fareed-Cooke, filmed and edited by Alex Rojè Felix with music produced by Robert “CarolinahBlu” Herrod.

Tales from the Porch IV: Art is a Language is funded in part by Creatives Rebuild New York, Get Fokus’d Productions and A.I. The Anomaly’s Patreon Members.

Check out the candid moments from our opening reception on July 26th at Buffalo Arts Studio

Images by Kalvin Booker of Through His Lens Photography

The Storytellers


Muhammad Zaman

Community Voice | Painter

My porch is cemented in earth's natural lexicon

Strokes of equanimity overlay optimistic intentions

Spread throughout this woven fabric are expectations  

An anxious dance shaped by calligraphy

Choreographed characters serenading the palette

Hands stretching as touch tastes the textiles

Soothing this rage that wells beneath bruises

Inside these letters lie languages longing to live

-Written by Aitina Fareed-Cooke

Dr. Phyllis Thompson

Community Voice | Visual Artist & Educator

My porch is my ancestors plea

For us to regain wisdom’s dream

A legacy that carries shape as the metronome breathes

Each stroke is an illustration of evolving memories

Rhythmic markings

Patterned imperfections of life 

Like rivers pouring fountains 

Soaking the fertile ground

-Written by Aitina Fareed-Cooke

George Afedzi Hughes

Community Voice | Contemporary Visual Artist

My porch is a spotlight on history’s deceptions 

My paint details the discord

The interpretation of social performance

This brush soaks in the acrylic

Releasing this language into fragments

My metaphoric humor drips like subtle urban allusions

Revealing the layers of realities sorrow

An infinite quest for authenticity

-Written by Aitina Fareed-Cooke

Julia Bottoms

Community Voice | Visual Artist

My porch is the framework of a natural designer

A renaissance of distinctive truths 

Structured canvas of imaginative embellishments 

A cradling of crowns colliding

Ripping narratives like shattered china

Forever lost in floral gardens

Meant to dilute portraits of chocolate colored faces

Instead it birthed an audacity to exist

-Written by Aitina Fareed-Cooke

Bob Fleming

Community Voice | Visual Artist

My porch is a constant calling for balance

Kindred figures all off kilter

Displaced bodies searching for stability

Drifting drowning in hope for change 

For interconnections

Disruption to divisions

A beckoning for reunion

A return to shared humanity

-Written by Aitina Fareed-Cooke

Aitina Fareed-Cooke

Photo By: Kristy Tasca Photography

"We all have our porches. Our platforms from which we share our stories. Our lives. From these porches we learn perspectives. We learn of the varying commonalities and complexities that exist, human to human.

As we exchange these tales, we share our hopes, fears, and dreams. Together we discover the beautiful weight of reality which is that we are all human. Different, yet the same." - Aitina Fareed-Cooke

We would like to recognize the following supporters & funders of this project over the years: