CCA Mentoring Your Attitude: Session 6

Christ Crusaders Assembly’s

Session #6 Recap

Soft Skill: Determination

Stephen Forman Sr. led students into a discussion about determination and the importance of establishing an “inner Hercules” when obstacles come about. Students gave examples of various obstacles that are facing in their lives and how they could keep a determined mindset.

Trade Skill: Photography

Aitina Fareed-Cooke led students into working as a team to capture images with different tools and props. There were many obstacles (time restraints, difficult lighting conditions, etc.) that they faced as a team however they had to work together to capture the images successfully.

We made the news!!!

Student Quotes: What did you learn that you never want to forget?

To learn from temporary failures
— Ava
I learned to be determined.
— Kayla
I learned that even if you have obstacles, at the end of the day, you can get back to the place and start from the beginning.
— Ryan
“I can” and “I cant” can both be true. The person who says I can’t will believe that and follow suit just like the person who says “I can” believes it and will believe that and follow suit .
— Mykiss
Don’t let obstacles stop you and if they slow you down just recognize what you can work on and do so.
— Mya
I learned that in life there will always be an obstacle that might ruin your chance of success but it’s up to you to determine to move pass it or be defeated.
— Braelyn